I just finished reinstalling the intake manifold after cleaning the valves and went to start the car. It starts for about 2 seconds before shutting itself down. It throws 6 pending codes. P0503 - Speed (RPM) sensor erratic/high, C0203, C1103, C1403, C1203, C1300. I don't think I did anything to mess with the speed sensor. Any ideas?
startup video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cjn7k4ny480y70/A4%20Startup.mov?dl=0
Engine Stats right before shutdown:
UPDATE #2: So it turns out that my OBD reader was giving me the wrong codes. The real codes were P0351-354, all referring to the ignition coils (which I replaced at the same time). The car starts, registers the fault and then shuts down the injectors. They are the correct coils, and obviously they are getting current because the car starts.. why would it register those codes. I've reseated them checked all the connections. Unfortunately I didnt keep the old coils.