I have a couple of small (1-2mm in diameter) rust spots on the roof of my truck. I'm thinking of painting flat black racing stripes over the hood (bonnet to you Brits!) and roof of the truck to cover the small spots. And when I say paint over them, I mean to say, properly take it down to the metal, eliminate the rust on the metal, treat the metal, then paint the stripes over them. (For reference, the truck is gloss black.)
I understand it is a little bit more complicated than just laying down some parallel lines and throwing paint on there. It is my understanding the stripes need to be slimmer at the front of the truck and become fatter towards the rear to make it look optically correct as you look at them. Is there a magic formula? Does anyone have the proper way these should be done? I'm looking for instructions from what needs to be done with the existing paint so new paint will adhere. Also looking to find out if you just lay flat black paint on it, or do you use flat clear? Any professional suggestions are welcome.
EDIT: For a little more context, the plan is for twin stripes. The vehicle is an '06 Chevy Silverado. The paint right now is gloss black (black w/clear coat). The twin stripes would need to probably fit on the hood, but don't need to be as wide as the raised portion of the hood. Since I want it to be flat black, I don't think the additional pin stripe on the sides would be required, but may need to be for aesthetics sake. Like I've said, I'm a function over form kind of guy, so I need some ideas on how to make it happen.