I've been hearing an annoying rubbing noise from front right wheel since replacing the front brake pads. I drive my car only occasionally, maybe 1000 km in 2+ months, so I can't say I've driven enough for the new pads to get bedded. To make sure that the noise was indeed coming from the pad contacting the disk I jacked up the car and rotated the wheel and verified that the pads were really contacting the disk surface. The noise was the same. Now I have 2 questions:
- Is it normal that brake pads are in contact with the brake disk even when the brake pedal is not pressed? I thought the rotor should be able to rotate freely when no braking is applied.
- And the main concern: When I rotate the wheel I can see that it rotates easily for the 90% of the circle, but it gets hard at the rest 10%. So this makes me think that the disk is warped and that's what makes the noise? Am I correct in my suspicion?