I think this is on-topic, based on other questions in the history
So I'm re-watching Back to the Future, and there's the scene where Biff's bozos lock Marty in a car trunk. One of the band members then cuts his hand, while busting open the lock with a screwdriver.
It (only on this watch through 🤦🏻♂️) just occurred to me though, couldn't they just pop the trunk from in the cabin? Or was that a feature that was only invented sometime later than 1955?
I tried searching, but all the Google results I could find regarding trunk releases are related to the safety releases IN the trunk for kidnap victims, that have only become standard in the 2000s.
When did they start adding in-cabin release levers for trunks? And when did they become "standard" on new cars?
Specifically, I'm asking about the ones in the passenger cabin, that nowadays are usually under the driver's side of the dash, or sometimes on the driver's side floor, along the door frame.