I recently have an engine overheat issue and see my previous post for details: How long does items in the engine last in general for standard size cars?
This is an interesting follow up on that at the same dealership: They said they need $375 labor fee to open the engine top and diagnosis the problem. I agree. So they open the top to see the CAM SHAFT, etc. However, I am not convinced with their recommendation, i.e., pay another $3000+ to replace the following stuff:
I would like to get a second opinion. So I ask them to put things back and I will drive away to another shop.
Initially, they refuse to do so and say once everything is put back, my engine may not even start. Then they say, if I really want to do this, I will need to pay another $1000 to assembly everything they have disassemble. Note that the engine is not completely disassemble, they just open the cover so they CAM SHAFT is exposed. I know that I am not experienced with cars, however, I feel something strange about it. Is this scenario normal that they charge so much just to put things back?
BTW: They suggest me to tow the car to another place rather than assemble it. So I avoid paying for the assemble fee as well as the disassemble fee at another place.
In fact, I don't normally challenge what the dealership tells me about repairs. But I tells them to fix the engine overheat issue and they ask for 1500. Now two weeks later, I found another issue about the sound. They ask for another 3k. The issue may already be there when I go and repair the first time because my friend happen to be on my car that day and he suggested me to take a look at the sound (that day was two weeks later after the first repair). Moreover, when I spend the 1500k to replace bunch of stuff, I also spend some money to do the alignment. But the driving wheel turn out to be even more misaligned after they "fix" it and they are blaming me that I did not call them right after I found that.
UPDATE 1: So I call the dealer today to ask for the details of the $1000 fee. My service advisor said he will check it and then after 5 seconds he said it is $500. After telling me $1000 for three days now he change to $500 in 5 seconds.